12 thoughts on “VETERANS DAY

  1. Patti Abbott

    It’s the poor vets of the ongoing war, I think about most. A friend of mine’s nephew is serving his third tour. How can he ever have a normal life after that?

    1. george Post author

      I know I’m in the minority, but I would like to see the Draft re-instituted, Patti. If everyone had to go to war, we’d have fewer wars (and shorter ones). The present volunteer system makes war too tempting an option. Did any of your candidates talk about the wars in Iraqi and Afghanistan during the Mid-Term Elections? None of mine did. Wars become invisible.

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    It’s really hard, Patti. A friend of Jackie’s son came back from his third tour in really bad shape. His wife had divorced him and dumped their young child on him and eventually one of his sisters had to bring the baby up as he can barely keep himself going.

    Multiply stories like that thousands of times, then add in the amputations and traumatic brain injuries.

    What is Obama waiting for to get the troops home?

    1. george Post author

      I was hoping Obama would wind-down both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, Jeff. But as Iraq winds down, the troops are sent to Afghanistan. Afghanistan is another Vietnam.

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    I’ve been talking about reinstituting the draft since W. invaded Iraq, George. If all of America’s children were subject to the draft as we were the country would have to either get behind the war or – as would have surely happened this time – the outrage would have stopped it from happening in the first place.

    Plus, National Service (whether in the Army or otherwise) would be a good thing for the country and would bring down the unemployment rate.

    1. george Post author

      Exactly, Jeff! If Americans had their children and family members involved in the Draft, things would be very different. But, since we have a volunteer force, too many people just forget about the wars. It doesn’t impact them.

  4. Todd Mason

    As a proud middle-aged white looking man, if we re-instate the draft, we start with the proud middle-aged white-looking men and go on from there.

    We’d have exactly zero frivolous wars PDQ.

    Of course, that wouldn’t happen any more than a loophole-free draft of young people would.

  5. Cap'n Bob

    I’d like to see a draft, too, but for different reasons. Remember, we had a draft during the Viet Nam war and it didn’t stop it.


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