“What is wrong with you?” asked Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC when Anthony Weiner showed up for an interview. Weiner follows the disgraced former New York congressman as Weiner tries to resuscitate his political career by running for the Mayor of New York City. Josh Kriegman and Elyse Steinberg were given unprecedented access to the candidate. And, trust me, there are dozens of cringe-worthy moments in this documentary. Weiner begins with optimism and hope. Anthony Weiner’s beautiful, intelligent wife–Huma Abedin (an aide to Hillary Clinton)–supports her husband’s bid. But, we all know the Titanic is heading for the iceberg. Weiner’s previous sexting with women on the Internet (while his wife was pregnant) is suddenly eclipsed by new revelations of Weiner sending photos of his “private parts” to women like Sidney Leathers. The Weiner campaign goes into crisis mode.

Why did Weiner send photos of his penis to women on the Internet. Why did Weiner call himself “Carlos Danger”? Why did Huma Abedin stay with Weiner? Weiner doesn’t answer these questions. But watching this a slow-motion political train-wreck on an epic scale took my breath away. GRADE: A

16 thoughts on “WEINER

  1. Deb

    What a mess! Poor impulse control, exhibitionist tendencies, self-sabotage, and real-time technology: a toxic stew.

    I hope his wife becomes his ex-wife and can eventually meet a man who has fewer issues and who appreciates her intelligence and obvious forebearance.

    1. george Post author

      Deb, Huma Abedin finds herself in humiliating situations again and again in WEINER. Clearly, Huma’s husband has some serious problems.

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    You know, just as all the people who are mad at Hillary because she didn’t get a divorce in 1998 (or any of the other times Bill cheated), I don’t think any of us know what goes on inside a marriage or have the right to tell someone to get a divorce, no matter how crazy we might think they are to stay. I’ve seen too many marriages that look perfect to outsiders but are a toxic mess behind closed doors, and the opposite occurs too.

    Those of us who saw him from his early days always knew Weiner was a loose cannon who could self-destruct, but who knew it would take this form?

    I’ll pass on the movie.

    1. Deb

      Jeff–you’re right, of course. I always say you never know a marriage unless you’re one of the two people involved in it, but then I violated that tenet by hoping that a women who has been thoroughly, repeatedly, and publicly humiliated by her husband would get a divorce. That being said, I could see why Hillary would stay in a long-term marriage which I suspect has evolved over the years into more of a companionable political partnership (nttawwt, if both partners agree), but with Weiner’s wife, I just don’t see any upside for her. But, then again, I’m not in that marriage.

      1. george Post author

        Deb, WEINER provides incredible access to Anthony and Huma’s relationship. I confess, it’s painful to watch as the news of Anthony’s sexting affects Huma. The press conference she appears in is excruciating.

    2. george Post author

      Jeff, you and Jackie had Weiner around as a NY congressman and then a candidate for mayor. Your analysis is right on the money. And I agree with you on marriages. Each has its own dynamic.

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    Jackie said she thinks maybe Huma was pregnant when this came out but the whole thing is strange, I agree.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, Huma was pregnant when Weiner first created the incidents that resulted in his resignation from Congress. But when Weiner was running for Mayor of NYC, the child is walking around and Huma is far from pregnant. Then “Carlos Danger” shows up…

  4. Patti Abbott

    I felt like he was using the documentary to expose himself again. And I was letting him do it. Very mixed reactions to it but a great doc.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, Weiner is a narcissist. This filming of his failures just feeds his ego. As you say, this is a great (but disturbing) political documentary.

  5. Richard R.

    Seems as much as he is an exhibitionist here, the person watching the documentary is a voyeur. I don’t which amazes me more; that you watched this or that you gave it an A grade.

    1. george Post author

      Rick, I’ve never seen anything like WEINER. It’s completely revealing of a politician’s rise and fall, rise and fall. WEINER would astonish you.

  6. maggie

    I’m guessing this would be hard to take all at once for me. If it comes to HBO, I’d probably tape it and then watch it for about 10-15 minutes at a time. (my method for keeping with movies I want to watch, but don’t totally engage me at first)

  7. Beth Fedyn

    I want to see this and it’s on demand with Time Warner.

    It’s incomprehensible. He got a second chance and blew it the same way he did the first one.

    I think the title for this documentary should be “What’s Wrong with You?”

    1. george Post author

      Beth, WEINER completely befuddled me. How could Huma Albedin stay with this fool? How could Weiner blow his Second Chance so badly? Questions to ponder…. But, that being said, WEINER is the best political documentary I’ve ever seen.


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