Why I’m Not Watching BODY OF PROOF or NIKITA Anymore

Season Three for Body of Proof (with the dazzling Dana Delaney) and Nikita (with the marvelous Maggie Q) bombed for me. Body of Proof shook up the cast and the two episodes I watched were much darker than the fluffy stuff in Seasons One and Two. I love watching Dana Delaney prance around it four inch heels and her mni-skirts, but her talent is wasted in this formulaic medical CSI clone. Nikita, on the other hand, has completely lost its way. Maggie Q plays an agent for a secret organization. The dim-witted writers wrote themselves into a corner at the end of Season Two when they had the President of the U.S. (a woman!) move to dismantle the secret organization. The lack of purpose and the meandering plots in Season Three made watching Nikita painful despite the talented cast. What TV programs have you given up on recently?

21 thoughts on “Why I’m Not Watching BODY OF PROOF or NIKITA Anymore

  1. Prashant C. Trikannad

    Neither of these have come to Indian cable television, I think. Dana Delaney? Didn’t she have a role in TOMBSTONE? I gave up watching GREY’S ANATOMY after a few episodes because I found it disjointed and depressing, not that I enjoy medical dramas. By comparison, SCRUBS was better.

  2. Randy Johnson

    Haven’t watched any of Nikita, but did watch Body of Evidence. I was not very impressed by the first two episodes so far. As mentioned, much darker. Probably the last season anyway. When they start shaking the cast up, going cheap, it usually signals the end is near.

    Still, a show with Dana Delaney and Geri Ryan has two things going for it.

  3. Sergio (Tipping My Fedora)

    What a shame George – I’d heard that both shows were being retooled to try and get some better ratings but sounds like it didn’t work – maybe they shoudl do a crossover episode? Hard to imagine there’s a screen big enough for both delaney and Q, but it’s the suff that dreams are made of … (well, for some of us anyway).

    1. george Post author

      Sergio, I’d watch a BODY OF PROOF/NIKITA crossover! But the scriptwriters seem too brain-dead to come up with such an innovative (and potentially successful) idea.

  4. Patti Abbott

    Funny I have a blog post coming about much this same thing today. CHINA BEACH was one of the great shows. I could watch that again rather than the stuff she’s done since.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, I loved CHINA BEACH back in the day. Dana Delaney was my Dream Girl in those days. But now Delaney and Maggie Q are mired in mediocre (or worst) programs.

  5. Todd Mason

    Y’know, looking at those promo photos, I would wager that almost any screen would be wide enough to encompass both the starved Q and the perhaps not quite currently dangerously-thin Delany. (No second E in her version.) Delany’s KIDNAPPED series was eventually nearly as good as CHINA BEACH, just in time to get prematurely cancelled…while the cartoons she’s done have been decent work, most of the rest of what she’s done has been mostly tolerable because of her presence.

    1. george Post author

      Thanks for the correction, Todd! Dana Delany and Maggie Q are vastly more talented than the trolls who write the awful scripts that are sinking BODY OF PROOF and NIKITA.

  6. Jeff Meyerson

    Jackie just started watching BODY OF PROOF because she’s a big fan of former KEEN EDDIE and HUMAN TARGET star Mark Valley, but if the two-parter that started the season with the kidnapping of Delany’s daughter is an example, this is formulaic television at its worst, even with Renee from 24 as guest psycho. To say it is no CHINA BEACH is an understatement.

    What have we stopped watching? Good question. Usually we’ll try a show and if we don’t really like it will quit watching it immediately. Once we start watching it regularly we will usually keep going unless it takes a disastrous turn, like NORTHER EXPOSURE or THE X-FILES. Can’t think of anything lately, though if it were up to me I’d never watch HAWAII FIVE-O. (Still, it doesn’t make me leave the room like other shows Jackie watches: DALLAS, REVENGE.)

  7. RkR

    Heck, I stopped watching them all, except a few sports programs. Just doesn’t seem like there’s much on during the hours I watch: it has to start no later than 9:00 pm. I tried a few things but didn’t go back. I can’t even remember the last series show I watched regularly, other than PBS offerings like Nova.

    1. george Post author

      DOCTOR WHO and MAD MEN will begin in a few weeks, Rick. They’re well worth watching. But right now, we’re in a vast wasteland until MARCH MADNESS begins.

  8. Steve Oerkfitz

    Southland and Justified make TV worth watching right now. A game of Thrones is coming back in 3 weeks.

  9. Cap'n Bob

    I gave up on network programming years ago. If it doesn’t have a judge, pawn shop, storage unit, Vanna White, or Alex Trebec, I don’t watch.

  10. Stan Burns

    The only network show I am still watching is ARROW. I gave up on CASTLE this season. I spent last weekend watching season 2 of GAME OF THRONES. I also watch a lot of older TV seasons on Netflix. They are starting to feature a lot of European TV shows and I have been sampling those. Still prefer British TV shows . . .

    1. george Post author

      Stan, I’m waiting for DOCTOR WHO and COPPER (BBC shows) to begin again. I’ve heard mixed reviews of GAME OF THRONES.


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