After watching the movie version of Wild it’s easy to see why Reece Witherspoon was attracted to the story of Cheryl Strayed’s 1,100 mile hike from Mexico to Canada. Based of Strayed’s memoir Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail, the movie shows Witherspoon’s struggles against the environment. In a series of flashbacks, we see how Witherspoon’s character’s relationship with her mother (Laura Dern) created a major crisis in her life. Problems with her husband, brother, and friends lead to heroin addiction. The trek across the Pacific Crest Trail becomes a healing experience. I really liked Reece Witherspoon’s performance as a very conflicted woman. Laura Dern delivers in the role of a mother trying the best she can to raise her children while living with an alcoholic abuser. If you’re looking for a very different movie, Wild is it. GRADE: B+

14 thoughts on “WILD

  1. Jeff Meyerson

    Not a huge fan of hers, to be honest, though I liked her (much more than I expected to) in LEGALLY BLONDE. This is not on my list but is probably on Jackie’s, so I’m guessing we might well see it in Florida.

  2. Deb

    Doesn’t appeal to me. I read Strayed’s Dear Sugar (a collection of her advice columns), which I found rather repetitious (there’s only so many times a person can tell you a story, no matter how heart-rending, before your mind starts to wander), so didn’t get around to reading Wild. However, based on the response of the audience when her nomination was read, Laura Dern may be an Oscar winner for her role in the movie.

    1. george Post author

      Deb, Diane and Katie read WILD and really liked it. I didn’t think I would be interested in a lone woman hiking for a thousand miles, but Cheryl Strayed’s story has a lot of kinks in it. Laura Dern is always good.

  3. Patti Abbott

    I thought it was a very strong performance in a pretty good movie. Too long perhaps and too many scenes of Laura Dern whirling around the kitchen. (Same performance she gave in THE FAULT IN THE STARS-too perfect a mother to be believed). But on the whole, I second you B+.

  4. Richard R.

    Barbara read and liked the book, and I have read a lot about it in local reviews, since much of it was filmed in Oregon. She actually hiked from Mojave to just north of the Oregon-Washington border, not Mexico to Canada, and never got anywhere near Tacoma. Perhaps they took license with that in the film; don’t know since I haven’t seen it.

    1. george Post author

      Rick, my description of Cheryl Strayed’s 1,100 mile journey was approximate. I really don’t know where the Pacific Crest Trail starts or ends but I thought Mexico to Canada was pretty close.


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