While recovering from my two total knee replacement surgeries, I took 800mg Motrin tablets. While the Motrin reduced the inflammation in my legs they tended to upset my stomach. One of the things that settled my stomach was ginger. I tried several brands of ginger and found Woodstock Organic Ginger Chunks to be my favorite. Too many of the other gingers I tried were rubbery or mushy or rock-hard. Woodstock Organic Ginger Chunks taste great, fresh and chewy. I pay $4.99 for a 5.5 ounce bag which is about a medium price point for this product. Woodstock Organic Ginger Chunks are available at most health food stores and online here. If you’re having any digestive problems, this ginger may help. It certainly helped me.


  1. Jeff Meyerson

    George, Jackie can’t take Advil or Motrin or any other anti-inflammatories because they gave her two incipient ulcers.

    1. george Post author

      Jackie’s reaction to Advil, Motrin, and other NSAIDs is more common than the drug industry lets on, Jeff. I have a pretty strong stomach (a friend once told me, “You could eat a rock!”) but daily doses of 800mg Motrin ripped me up after months of use. I use Motrin sparingly now…with plenty of ginger to buffer the effect.

  2. Lauren W.

    About a week ago, I read an article about the medicinal benefits of ginger. According to recent studies, ginger actually works better as a pain killer than NSAIDs, but without the side effects. I am planning on talking with my dog’s vet to see if Bond can use ginger to relieve some of his arthritis pain. I am also planning on buying some ginger supplements for myself because I have been unable to find any over-the-counter vegan painkillers. Maybe next time you will be able to skip the Motrin and go straight for the ginger.

    Here is a link to the article: http://www.ecorazzi.com/2013/05/15/is-ginger-really-better-than-drugs-for-pain/

    1. george Post author

      Lauren, thanks for the tip on ginger’s other properties. I’m down to only one or two Motrins a week. If I could replace them with ginger, it would be great!


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