I loved Wreck-It Ralph! This animated feature explores video-game characters who are anything but ordinary. Wreck-It Ralph’s life consists of wrecking a video game hotel. Then players get Fix-It Felix (with his magic hammer) to fix the damage Ralph has caused. But, after 30 years, Ralph finds his role unsatisfying. Ralph wants to be a Good Guy not a Bad Guy. Ralph’s quest for an item that might turn his life around creates plenty of laughs and tears. John C. Reilly is the voice of Ralph. Jane Lynch wowed me as Calhoun, the sexy Space Commando from Hero’s Duty. And Sarah Silverman is perfect as “the glitch” character Vanellope. I haven’t had this much fun at an animated feature since UP and The Incredibles! GRADE: A

14 thoughts on “WRECK-IT RALPH

  1. Drongo

    Ralph received mostly good reviews and has so far made almost $400 million worldwide. I’m thinking there will be a sequel…

    1. george Post author

      WRECK-IT RALPH is terrific, Drongo! I went in with low expectations not knowing anything about the movie. Since the movie opened in November, when we saw it in a second-run theater ($3 a ticket) the audience size was six (four adults and two little kids).

  2. Richard R.

    Wow, $3 a ticket. Patti says the same thing about the Detroit area. I wonder why movie tickets are so much more expensive on the west coast, $7 or $8 for matinee, $14 at night)? Maybe it’s all the gasoline they have to buy for the expensive transportation costs… yeah, right.

    I liked UP which I think was the last animated film I saw, though I have the “live animation” film TINTIN here from Netflix still unwatched. I used to love animated stuff, but lost my interest, I guess.

    1. george Post author

      Rick, you would love WRECK-IT RALPH. Very clever animated film. And, if Drongo is right, there’s a sequel in the works. I won’t wait three months to see it! For first-run films at the REGAL THEATERS we pay $7.50 (that’s the Senior Citizen rate). But for movies we’re in no hurry to see, we wait until they come to the second-run theaters where we shell out $3 for a ticket and many times it’s like a private showing with Diane and I being the only ones in the audience.

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    Even down here in South Florida $5.50 is the cheapest you’re going to find. The nice theater we prefer with the stadium seating and big comfy seats is $6.75 for seniors, $6.25 all day Monday. The other nearby is also stadium seating but older and the seats aren’t as nice. This one is $5.50 every day before 6, and all day Thursdays.

  4. Drongo

    We have a couple of $2 theaters not too far from were I live. One of them has a Tightwad Tuesday special, when admission is only .50 cents. Perhaps not the finest accommodations, but for half a dollar you just deal with it.

  5. Carl V.

    I’m really wanting to see this ever since listening to the latest SF Squeecast where one of the panelists raved about it. I was curious anyway but am more so now, and you like it too so that is one more in the plus column!


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