X By Sue Grafton

x sue grafton
This is a second-hand review. I read the first few books in Sue Grafton’s Alphabet series when they were first published in the early 1980s. I wish I’d kept those First Editions, they’d be worth a lot of money today. But after four books, I tired of Kinsey Millhone and moved on to other authors. But, my wife Diane discovered Sue Grafton and Kinsey in the 1990s. Diane said that if she had been reading the Kinsey Milhone books back in the Eighties, she would have named our daughter Katie…Kinsey! So, while I bailed out on the Alphabet series early, Diane read every book and eagerly awaited the next volume. I have met and chatted with Sue Grafton a couple of times at BOUCHERCONs, most recently in Albany. Grafton is a friendly and approachable person. I was able to get several books in the Alphabet series signed by Grafton for Diane. Diane just finished the latest volume, X, and loved it. So for all of you Grafton and Kinsey fans out there, Diane says this is a terrific book. Only “Y” and “Z” remain to be written and published. Are you a fan of Sue Grafton and her work?

17 thoughts on “X By Sue Grafton

  1. Deb

    I must say her books leave me cold–like you, I read a couple and decided they weren’t for me. In interviews, Grafton comes across as a genuinely likeable person, so I wished I liked her books more…but, sadly, I don’t.

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    I agree with you both, on the books and on Grafton the person. I kept going longer than George’s four books, maybe 10 or 12, before Kinsey turned me off that I gave up on the series. I did read her short story collection (of course!), KINSEY AND ME, two years ago. I won’t be reading X.

    1. george Post author

      Prashant, my wife and her friends love Sue Grafton and her Alphabet series. I read the early volumes in the series and liked them, but after four books I had had enough and moved on.

  3. Richard R.

    I got through “H” and have a few more in paperback on the shelf, but the last time I picked one up – “I” – I only got about 20 pages and set it aside. It’s still in the TBR bookcase with a bookmark in it, but I’m not sure I’ll get back to it. I have to be in a certain mood for those books anymore, and that mood seems to rarely strike. I wonder what she’ll do after “Z”? Take a break probably, but I’ll bet she has a lot of other ideas for non-Kinsey novels.

      1. R.K. Robinson

        I read, in Mystery Scene I think, that she had plot outlines for the last three books – this wad a couple years ago – written, and it was only “fleshing out” to be done, so she could finish out the series in a couple years. As far as I know, she’ sin good health.

  4. Cap'n Bob

    I’m up to U. Although there were a couple along the way I thought were weak–like D–I find the character engaging and the writing mostly good. And as one of her fans I get a Christmas gift from her and Kinsey every year. I’ll probably finish the series but get V-Z in used paperbacks.


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