49 thoughts on “BIDEN/HARRIS TICKET

  1. wolf

    I really hope that Trump won’t be reelected!
    Still don’t understand why the Dems like the Reps choose old men for candidates, well at least Mrs Harris brings “fresh wind” es we say in German.
    This reminds me of 2008:
    I took my girlfriend (now my wife) to Florida in November for our first US holiday and we read about Obama’s clear win – the mood was really great!
    In the flea market in Ft Lauderdale I found a tshirt with Obama and MLK:
    Actually before the selection of the candidates I speculated that the Dems might choose Hillary – with Obama as Vice President.
    And now you have the chance of having a young black woman deciding – sooner or later.
    That’s real progress not only for the USA but also Europe (and the rest of the world too) – Trump has shown himself to not be our friend, really crazy!
    The way he acted lately regarding his old partners – unbelievably idiotic!

    1. george Post author

      Wolf, the 2020 Presidential Election promises to be chaotic as Trump and his minions are destroying the U.S. Postal Service just in time for millions of mail-in ballots.

  2. Michael Padgett

    It should be easy to go up against Trump, a man without a single redeeming virtue, but this is the USA, where a racist, fascist scumbag maintains a steady 40% approval rating no matter what he does. Throw in the ridiculous electoral college and the scumbag could win, just like he did last time. Biden/Harris is, I think, miles better than the Democratic ticket in 2016. When this whole campaign started months ago, Harris was my pick for president and I’d prefer her to Biden now, but we’ve got to get rid of Trump and his enablers. Vote early and often.

    1. george Post author

      Michael, it’s clear that Trump will try anything to win: destroy the USPS, claim the coronavirus is “going away,” and issuing bogus Executive Orders, etc.

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    There are just too many stupid people in this country. There is no other explanation I can come up with, besides the sheer hypocrisy of Republicans in Congress and white Evangelicals. I mean, how come Presidential Executive Orders by Obama are signs he’s a dictator, while under Trump…*crickets*. Everything Republicans have supposedly believed in and stood for (other than tax cuts at all costs) have been proven to be total bullsh!t and a sham. As one of our favorite Britcoms (THE GOOD LIFE) had it in the mid-70s, it’s “the principle of shifting principles.”

    Clearly, this year there is only one possible way Trump can win and that is to cheat – suppress the vote, shut down the postal service if necessary, and if all else fails, just declare he is the winner. And Republicans in Congress will do nothing, other than the percentage who would support him no matter what.

    Sad, but also very dangerous. November 3 (and January 20) cannot come quickly enough.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, you already know the scenario: Trump loses on November 3 and then claims the Election was “rigged” triggering a Constitutional Crisis. I can see Social Unrest on the horizon.

    1. george Post author

      Jerry, I agree with you. In a Just World Hillary Clinton–who won the Popular Vote with a 3 million vote margin–would be President instead of the disaster we’ve been dealing with for the past four years.

  4. Deb

    The GOP made a decision years ago (around the time that Lee Atwater was running Reagan’s first campaign) that it’s always going to be party-over-country, especially since they can ride racist/homophobic/misogynistic wedge issues to the sweet, sweet gravy train of grift, kickbacks, and pork barrel money. Add to that the 40% of voters whose minds are now as solid as guacamole due to 24/7 Fox News, right-wing talk radio, and crazy sh*t they read on Facebook, and we’re gonna have a real hard time come November. I pray without ceasing…but I’m very worried.

    1. george Post author

      Deb, you’re right about the Guacamole Effect on 40% of the U.S. voters. Nothing will sway them, not reason or logic or Reality. They live in a Alternate Universe ruled by FOX NEWS and Rush Limbaugh and the Evangelical Right. We all need to be worried…but there is Hope if we all vote.

      1. Todd Mason

        And yet the Democrats keeping trying to “steal” them away from the GOP, while turning their back on their leftist populist voters…who simply stay home.

        It’s insane, if profitable fo the the DNC fundraisers.

  5. Patti Abbott

    What everyone else (except one) has said. And I am offended at the use of “slutty.” It is remarks like that one that have destroyed this country.

  6. Patti Abbott

    And I was in the hospital for a few hours the other night and got to watch Fox News. My God, it was nothing but lies, calling Harris the shadow President.
    How do these people live with themselves.

      1. Todd Mason

        Common enough over here, Wolf, too. An international joke, to go with what Fox News is. And they aren’t even our worst cable “news’ channel.

        But, then, our “responsible” news keeps trying to pretending the health of the stock market reflects the heath of anyone’s finances but those of the utterly wealthy.

  7. maggie mason

    One big bonus the POS has with the right wing is he pretends/is against abortion. That is a big issue. I got called a baby killer when I mentioned that while I am personally against abortion, I don’t feel I have the right to tell someone else what to do.

    How anyone can support him is beyond me. But he has figured out that he just has to call something fake news and his followers believe it. Even though there are videos of his making absurd statements, he’ll deny it if he gets called out on it and despite video proof the idiots believe it.

    1. george Post author

      Maggie, Trump’s Super Power is that he can say and do ANYTHING and his base will go along with it. Just think about all the false statements and nonsense he’s spouted about the coronavirus (“It will just go away” and hydroxychloroquine). And Trump’s followers believe it!

  8. Rick Robinson

    I am so shocked by Bob’s comment I’m having a hard time giving a sensible reply here. I’ll just say I’m happy with the ticket and will be voting for every state and national Democrat on my ballot. We need a Senate majority as well as a new President.

  9. wolf

    I just deleted an answer to Bob, it’s not worth it …
    I can tell you that all over Europe the image of the USA as a pioneer of democracy has been destroyed – some are shedding tears, others are laughing like crazy about Trump and his ***expletive deleted***.
    USA is now seen as a country of religious freaks – and unbridled capitalism.
    On the other hand there is some positive news, an example:
    The scientists at Curevac, a company founded by scientists at my home university in Tübingen, have begun tests of a vaccine for Covid19.
    Many years ago they got financed by Hasso Plattner, the German founder of software company SAP (Third largest in the world …) – and five years ago the Bill&Melinda Gates foundation also invested money there – yesterday their shares were at NASDAQ.
    Fun fact which shows how crazy some people are, not only in the USA:
    In a forum some loonie claimed: Gates invested money last year – there must be a connection with Covid. And others claim that Bill Gates wants to use the Covid injection to get a chip into everybody – really crazy!

    1. george Post author

      Wolf, with respect to Cap’n Bob’s comment, like Voltaire, my philosophy on this blog is: “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

    2. maggie mason

      Wolf, I have a cousin who believes bill gates is going to chip people with the vaccine, and all the other crap being tossed around.

      There’s a good meme about how people who believe the vaccine is going to chip them are the type of people no one wants to chip

      1. Deb

        The craziness about that “Bill Gates is going to use the covid vaccine to chip me” nonsense is that (I’m assuming) every single one of those people who says it is in possession of a computer that runs Windows and/or a Smartphone with “Location Service” switched on. So I got news for ya, if he wanted to, Bill Gates could already find and track you—and you’ve voluntarily used the technology that would allow him to do it!

  10. maggie mason

    Glad you were being scarcastic about napier’s post, George.

    In case there’s any doubt about his being a trumpanzee, this is a couple of posts from facebook. I deleted the name of the person doing the original post as I have no idea who she is, just kept an initial

    L I don’t think there is going to be a Trump-Pence ticket. I think Trump will strong-arm Mike Pence into “bowing out gracefully” with some sort of excuse like it’s too much of a strain on his family. Then Trump will make a Nikki Haley his running mate.

    Bob Napier L l could live with that.

  11. wolf

    It seems Trump and his loonies are really afraid of senator Harris. Here’s a devastating article on just how they are trying to destroy her wiki page – and her image withe most absurd and/or irrelevant points.
    So cap bob is only part of a large movement of challenged people.
    I can’t eat as much as I want to throw up!
    I have subscribed to newsletters by the Atlantic, the NewYorker, the Smithsonian institute, Bloomberg Citylab and a few more – to kind of compensate for the fact that at our age we won’t be able to visit the USA again. But I don’t want to lose contact.
    Bob Lefsetz who’s been active in the Rockmusic busines is also a person whose “rantings” I really like.

  12. Cap'n Bob Napier

    The reason I stopped posting here was I was the only person on Planet Earth who had to be moderated. I don’t care about the CNN-inspired politics of the rest of you, but I’m tired of being marginalized.

    Biden is senile. Let that sink in. He’s a mental mush pot. As bad as Trump is, he’s not suffering from Alzheimer’s.

    1. george Post author

      Bob, about 10% of the incoming posts to this blog require approval. You are not the only one. I’ve contacted WORDPRESS several times and received no response about how to deal with the problem. It seems baked into WORDPRESS’s software. Your comments are always welcomed here.

    2. Rick Robinson

      My “politics” have nothing to do with CNN or any other news outlet, though I do watch PBS Newshour occasionally. My opinions are based on observation, experience and common sense.

  13. Todd Mason

    Biden is facing difficulties and is an opportunist at best. However, he’s not quite the malignant narcissist Trump is, also with diminished capacity (not that he was ever exactly the brightest bulb in anyone’s fixture). I’m not voting for either, and my state (New Jersey) is going to go for Biden, and that’s all that matters, since we are saddled with the Electoral College that installed Trump, Bush 2, Rutherford B. Hayes, Benjamin Harrison, Republicans all. (The functional equivalent situation which elevated John Quincy Adams over the monstrous Andrew Jackson did afflict a Democrat, is perhaps the worst Dem we’ve chosen to worship via currency since.)

    1. george Post author

      Todd, we have neighbors who have a sign in their front yard that reads: ANYONE BUT TRUMP. I think a lot of voters are thinking that way in 2020.


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