BLOWOUT By Rachel Maddow

In Blowout: Corrupted Democracies, Rogue State Russia, and the Richest, Most Destructive Industry On Earth, Rachel Maddow is convinced the United States is chaining itself to a corpse. The “corpse” in Maddow’s eyes is the oil industry. Chapter after chapter, Maddow builds her case against the oil industry around the globe. She shows how many oil rich countries send most of their inhabitants into poverty. I found the chapter “The Other 1 Percent” about the hundreds of earthquakes in Oklahoma both funny and sad.

If you’re in the mood for a well-written, cleverly crafted book that mixes humor with profound insights, give Blowout a try. Blowout is one of the year’s best books. Are you a Rachel Maddow fan? GRADE: A
Introduction: In a surrealist landscape ix
1. Splendor and fragrance — 3
2. The genie — 11
3. Stolen goods — 20
4. Charlie Hustle — 44
5. Thunder up! — 56
6. Rex shrugged — 69
7. A risk management problem — 81
8. Poster boy — 95
9. Practical realities — 107
10. Who does that? — 120
11. The other 1 percent — 134
12. Ultrahazardous activity — 152
13. A significant strategic step — 162
14. Trust — 166
15. The handsome hero — 175
16. This ain’t no disco — 184
17. Such a man is born once every few decades — 203
18. Putin zassal — 217
19. All hail the mercenaries — 226
20. His idea of America — 245
21. Because they could — 255
22. “We greatly value our relationship” — 269
23. Pobeda! — 280
24. “Yeah that was crazy” — 290
25. Active appreciation — 306
26. It all ties back — 316
27. “All they have is this” — 328
28. “Constituency trumps everything” — 341
29. Containment — 351
INDEX — 391

15 thoughts on “BLOWOUT By Rachel Maddow

  1. Deb

    Yes—I’m a Rachel Maddow (and MSNBC) fan. But I can only watch so much until I’m on the verge of chronic depression (which is better than the rage stroke watching even one minute of Fox News will bring about). I actually have the tiniest connection to Rachel Maddow: My daughter’s thesis advisor at LSU is a former Rhodes Scholar and when she was at Oxford she was flat-mates with fellow Rhodes Scholar, Rachel Maddow!

    1. george Post author

      Deb, Diane and I watch THE RACHEL MADDOW SHOW nightly. She manages to make the most complex issue intelligible: that’s her Super Power! You have a very cool connection to Rachel Maddow. And, fun fact, Rachel Maddow is the voice of reporter Vesper Fairchild in the new BATWOWAN program on the CW.

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    Yes and no. She’s smart (duh) and can be funny, but sometimes she drags things out and out and takes half an hour to get to the point. Jackie likes her.

  3. Dan

    I agree with Jeff. Sometimes Rachel goes into depth on a subject and provides background that illuinates the issue. Other times she seems to be just filling up time. On the whole though, I enjoy watching her and even learning a thing or two.

    1. george Post author

      Dan, I used to have the same quibble with Rachel dragging out a story. But since Trump’s daily antics send the News Cycle into hyperdrive, that hasn’t been a problem for Rachel lately.

  4. Michael Padgett

    I’m definitely an MSNBC fan and I like Maddow. But because of her time slot I rarely see her. The shows I see most are “Morning Joe”, which is on when I’m getting up, and Brian Williams’ “The 11th Hour” late at night. I could record some of the other stuff for watching later, but that way madness lies. I watch too much news as it is.

    1. george Post author

      Michael, sometimes MSNBC re-airs THE RACHEL MADDOW SHOW after THE 11TH HOUR. You might consider recording both shows. Rachel is worth it.

  5. Jeff Meyerson

    Jackie records Nicolle Wallace at 4 pm daily and watches some of Morning Joe. Her other favorite is Lawrence O’Donnell at 10 pm.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, that pretty much parallels Diane’s MSNBC viewing habits. I watch a bit of MORNING JOE before I flip to CNBC for the stock coverage. I’ll watch Rachel and then head for bed. Diane likes to stay up and watch Lawrence O’Donnell and–depending on the guests–Brian Williams.


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