My health care provider, Independent Health, sent me this Birthday care and enclosed a coupon for 6 free cupcakes! Odd way to promote “health.”

20 thoughts on “HAPPY 70TH BIRTHDAY TO ME!

  1. Deb

    Happy birthday, George! Enjoy your “milestone” day.

    /Btw, our dentist sends us coupons for cupcakes on our birthdays. I guess getting sugar all over their patients’ teeth keeps them in business.

    1. george Post author

      Deb, milestones are meant to be shared. Thanks for being here for me! This is the first time Independent Health has sent me coupons for what Diane refers to as “contraband.” We try to only indulge in doughnuts or pastries once a month.

  2. wolf

    George, happy birthday, young man

    I wish you and your wife all the very best – so we can continue to read and discuss here what’s going on, not only in the world of Science Fiction and Fantasy.
    I hope you’ll manage the new decade of your life well – just be careful, you’re no teenager any more!
    I speak from experience, having turned 76 this year … 🙂

    1. george Post author

      Wolf, thanks for the advice. Each new decade presents challenges. I had several surgeries during my 60s so we’ll see what my next decade holds in store for me.

  3. Patti Abbott

    Happy Birthday, George. I hate those “big” birthdays, don’t you? Everyone expects some words of wisdom or bucket list stuff. And our only bucket list is making it to the next one.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, I have no bucket list. I’ve done pretty much everything I’ve wanted to do throughout my Life. My only advice is to have fun and enjoy the ride!

  4. Jeff Meyerson

    Happy Birthday! You don’t look a day older. Now (well, in six months) the government gets to start nicking you again by making you take money out of so-called “protected,” tax-deferred accounts. (Deferred no more!) Jackie chooses to think of the Required Minimum Distributions as “a raise.”

    Any big restaurant plans? Or was that why you went for the custard/ice cream last night?

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, Diane is taking me to a swanky restaurant (I have to wear a tie!) for dinner today. It’s 83 degrees here: perfect ice cream and custard weather! Diane has a list of “projects” that she wants completed in the next year or so. The mandatory withdrawals from our IRAs will fund some of them. Among the projects are a new counter-top and backsplash for the kitchen, a new chandelier for the dinning room, and a walk-in shower in our first floor bathroom.

  5. Rick Ollerman

    Happy Birthday, George! When I was younger I admired anyone who made it to thirty. Then it was fifty. Now it’s a hundred and ten and I’m looking to you to blaze some ground for me. You and Diane have a grand time tonight!

  6. Rick Robinson

    You young pup. Happy Birthday, George, and many more. I hope you have a wonderful day and dinner. Enjoy that “swanky” restaurant!

    We’re having beautiful weather here, high 70s, slight breeze, a good time to be outdoors in the garden or on the deck. Ahhh.

    1. george Post author

      Rick, thanks for your kind Birthday wishes! We’re enjoying Summer weather this weekend, but rain moves in tomorrow and the temps will fall about 10 degrees for the rest of the week.

    1. george Post author

      Bob, thanks! We enjoyed a lovely summer day, a wonderful dinner at a swanky restaurant, and great desserts! Life is Good!

  7. Todd Mason

    A suggestion…I’ve finally gotten around to (the sugar-free) Sparkling Ice’s Ginger Lime flavor, and it washes down contraband and more sensible food just fine…if you like strong ginger flavors.

    And a very happy 71st year!


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