If you’re going to write a money management guide for twenty-and-thirty-somethings, you might want to go with a sassy title like How to Be Richer, Smarter, and Better Looking Than Your Parents which is exactly what Zac Bissonnette did. Zac covers all of the fundamentals of money management from stocks and bonds to 401ks and 403bs. The book is written in a breezy style, but Zac knows his stuff. You could find pretty much the same information in a Suze Orman book, but Zac Bissonnette is 23 and he’s writing for an audience of young people. His style makes the discussions of buying a house or leasing a car go down with a wit chaser. If you know a young person who needs a quick orientation to money management, this book does the job in a fun way. GRADE: B+
Sounds like a good resource for young people without a clue, and there are lots of them. I have little respect for Orman, but perhaps Bissonnette is less preachy less my way or the highway.
Bissonnette is funny and clever, Rick. He’s aiming this book at college students and post-college graduates who sadly are mostly clueless about money management. One of my pet peeves is that high schools and most colleges don’t teach the basics of money management. Young people learn about money the Hard Way…and it doesn’t have to be that way.