My niece, Tara, is a Forensic Analyst for the Coroner’s Office in the New Orleans area. With Hurricane Isaac making landfall seven years to the day after Katrina, our thoughts are with her and other friends in the affected area like Deb and Megan. We’ll see if the $15 billion dollars of “improvements” to the levees withstand the storm. But the bigger problem will be the estimated 20 inches of rain that could flood the city and suburbs. Rush Limbaugh made statements that the Weather Bureau (on Obama’s instructions) deliberately exaggerated the impact of Hurricane Isaac to diminish the GOP Convention in Tampa. If anyone had any doubts about Rush’s paranoia and his addiction to conspiracy theories, these latest charges shows how nutty he is. I’m not making this up. Just click here for the bizarre details.

17 thoughts on “HURRICANE ISAAC

  1. Randy Johnson

    The fan base Rush plays to will believe his BS. I think the main bunch are, or are in with, that birther bunch whose real motivation with Obama is the color of his skin. That kind of junk sickens me.

    1. george Post author

      I agree, Randy. Our country has so many problems–drought, immigration, crumbling infrastructure, crazy tax structure, etc.–but we’re stuck dealing with birther and racial issues instead. Frustrating!

  2. Deb

    One of the stations here in Natchitoches is live-streaming Channel 8 from New Orleans, which I’ve been watching throughout the night. The big problem right now is how slow the storm is moving, just hugging the coast and not really expending its energy over land. On the Northshore (where I live) there’s been wind gusts up to 50 mph, a lot of downed trees, lashing rain, and power outages. I’ve received texts from friends who stayed and the big comment is the howling of the wind. Isaac is supposedly on the way up here tomorrow, so we’ll probably head back home (regardless if what we’ll find) via Mississippi which, other than the coast, is not predicted to get as much weather. We’re just hoping this won’t be like Hurricane Juan from the 1980s which hovered over the Gulf Coast for three days.

    As for Rush Limbaugh, I’ve discovered that everything he accuses the Democrats if doing is something that the Republicans have actually done. Politicize a government agency? I think we all know who has historically done that. God, what an utter tool that man is!

    1. george Post author

      We’re watching THE WEATHER CHANNEL coverage, Deb. It looks like 24-hours of heavy rain will hit New Orleans. Plenty of power-outages. Take care on your trip home!

  3. Patti Abbott

    I am thinking of Charles and Lana Gramlich (who is ill) who are in a hotel somewhere. Glad Deb is okay. Hope Megan has cut her trip short and come home. How can anyone doubt the damage we have done to dear planet earth with so many disasters every year now.

    1. george Post author

      These massive storms were predicted by global warming scientists, Patti. But, of course, there were (and still are) politicians who doubt climate change. I hope Megan flees the relentless rain and wind and heads for home!

  4. Jeff Meyerson

    Just saw that. Rush is a psycho. My favorite part is when HE brings up Katrina and goes on and on about what a bad job the Bush administration did. Way to prove the conspiracy is in your own (so called) mind, moron.

  5. Jeff Meyerson

    Good luck, Deb. From what I saw this morning the problem is indeed how slow moving the storm is. It looks like it’s going to sit over that area most of today at least, which is a very bad thing.

  6. Patti Abbott

    I now have this insane desire to go to Natchitoches. Ever since Deb mentioned it, I have been looking into it.

  7. Deb

    It really is a pretty area with lots of old Creole style houses. Northwestern State University is located here–my daughter goes to school here. The town is located on the Cane River and at Christmas time they have a really fun celebration called Christmas on the Cane. The place is full of little bed & breakfast places–in fact, that’s where we’re staying right now. Incidentally, correct pronunciation is Nak-a-tish. Nagadoches, Texas, comes from the same riot word, I believe, but the pronunciation here reflects the areas Creole & Cajun roots.

  8. Beth Fedyn

    Our friend Wilba flew to Fort Worth Monday with a ticket home on Saturday. Glad to know she’s safe and I hope all is well with her place. She already has one storage shed filled with stuff she evacuated during Katrina.

  9. Jeff Meyerson

    I used to get Nacogdoches (home of Stephen F. Austin State University and Joe Lansdale) and Natchitoches confused, but they are sister cities apparently.

  10. Deb

    Jeez, this thing hasn’t moved in hours! When will it get going? Just got a text from my boss. She stayed in Slidell and now has two trees on her roof, no power, and water us on the streets. Yikes! I have a very big, very old oak tree in my back yard. Don’t know what it will do after 24 hours of sustained winds and rain.


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