Diane’s sister just spent a week with us. Carol drinks decaf coffee in the mornings brewed in a MR. COFFEE unit while I drink regular Starbucks Blonde coffee from my Cuisinart coffee maker (review here). Carol uses a Keurig coffee maker in her home and Diane decided we should replace the old MR. COFFEE unit with something Carol would be familiar with. We went to KOHL’S and checked out their Keurig coffee makers.
The Keurig K-10 Mini Coffee Maker looked ideal. It was priced at $119, but was on sale for $69. Diane had a 30% off coupon and a KOHL’S Birthday Rewards coupon and a coupon for $10 off $50 in the Home Department which brought the price down to just $39! And, after we bought the Keurig K-10 Mini, the KOHL’S cashier gave Diane $10 of KOHL’S cash–go figure! I tested the Keurig K-10 Mini out with some STARBUCKS Veranda K-cups. Delicious! I have some TIM HORTON’S DECAF K-cups for Carol when she visits in August. We can also use the Keurig when a guest shows up and only wants one cup of coffee or tea. Do you like Keurig coffee makers? GRADE: A (so far)
Sweet deal! Diane knows how to shop.
I’ve never had coffee from a Keurig so can’t comment on that aspect, though I’ve always thought it would be a good idea for someone who lived alone or otherwise needed a single cup of coffee. We got the same Cuisinart that you have and are still really happy with it. We use a combination of two of Jackie’s favorite New Orleans coffees – Community. We use three scoops of the Medium-Dark Cafe Special and one of the Dark. Makes a good coffee.
Of course, Jackie has to have her cup or two of Starbucks in the afternoon, though we generally have iced (she even bought reusable iced coffee cups to go with the regular reusable cups) in the summer when it’s hot. You get a ten cent discount every time you use it, which more than pays for itself when you’re there as often as we are – pretty much every day other than days we have brunch. And yes, we have another iced coffee at home at night.
Jeff, we’ve encountered Keurig coffee makers in some of the hotels we’ve stayed in.
We probably have had it too, now that I think of it. I’m sure Jackie has.
Jeff, the Keurig Mini would be perfect for a hotel room.
I’m not a coffee drinker, but John is, and we have a Keurig. John drinks decaf and there aren’t so many “exotic” flavors available in decaf k-cups—but Bed, Bath, & Beyond has a pretty good selection. You can buy your own k-cups and create your own blends—which John likes to do with Starbucks decaf beans (like Jackie, John also likes Community Coffee). The girls like the hot chocolate k-cups too.
Deb, I’ve tried the hot chocolate K-cups, but have yet to taste tea from a K-cup.
Jackie says she likes bold – Starbucks Italian is her favorite. She considers Blonde to be too bland for her taste.
Jeff, I prefer the Blonde Starbucks coffees–Willow, Veranda, Bright Star, etc.–but I also like the Starbucks House Blend.
Dan, Diane never shops (or buys) without coupons. We never pay Full Price for anything.
Not a coffee drinker. But it seemed easy to use when we were in Florida and had company that indulged.
Patti, Keurig is based on convenience. A regular coffee maker like my Cuisenart is way more cost-effective than using those Keurig K-cups.
I thought of one additional thing: always use distilled water in your Keurig.
Deb, I use distilled water in just about everything especially my CPAP machine.
Don’t like Keurig coffee makers. Don’t want to mess with little cups and one-at-a-time brewing. We make a full carafe of coffee every morning (Starbucks Gold Coast or Yukon, both are very bold). Our (supposedly) 10 cup machine makes a mug apiece with a half mug left over, we usually make two pots and it’s finished by noon. I’d have to stand at the K. machine all morning to get a decent amount of coffee. No, thanks. Plus we have LESS WASTE, which is very important.
Rick, like you I prefer a coffee maker that makes multiple cups of coffee. I usually brew 8 cups of STARBUCKS Blonde coffee each morning. My Cuisenart coffee maker (14 cup capacity) keeps the coffee nice and hot for the 90-minutes or so it takes me to drink it. But, we have guests–like Diane’s sister–who just want one cup of decaf coffee when they visit. The Keurig solves that problem. As Deb pointed out, BED, BATH & BEYOND sells a variety of K-cups at a reasonable price especially when you have one of the many coupons they send out.
Our next coffee maker will probably be one like yours.
Rick, I’m very happy with my Cuisenart coffee maker. You will be, too.
I don’t drink the swill but Linda does and she has one of those Keurig machines!
Here in Europe there’s a big discussion re these machines, btw the cups are called “pods” here and many people (me included) see problems with the environment.
That mixture of plastic and alumium is not realy recyclable …
Anyway since my wife and I drink 3 or 4 cups evry morning we use a conventional machine with a “Melitta” filter – the remaining cold coffee is usually finished by my wife in the afternoon.
But for guests we also have an old style espresso machine – which has to be preheated but does not produce any trash …
And we collect all the coffee grounds in a little bucket – my wife knows which plants like them and uses them as fertlizer.
The paper filters also go to the compost heap with the other green stuff.
Wolf, I use Melitta coffee filters in my Cuisenart coffee maker. Together, they make great coffee!
George, congratulations!
Did you know that Melitta Bentz was the name of the inventor of the paper coffee filter? She and her husband then founded the Melitta company in Germany -110 years ago. It still is family owned.
Wolf, I’ve used various paper coffee filters, but Melitta is my favorite.