
Maggie Gyllenhaal plays Nessa Stein, head of the Stein Trust. She is trying to bring Israelis and Palestinians together through a billion-dollar fiber-optic project. Hugo Black, the writer and director of this 8-episode series, provides plenty of twists and turns in the plot. There’s kidnapping, assassinations, and double-dealing. If you missed this excellent series, it will be available in Blu-ray and DVD. I’m guessing the Sundance Channel will rebroadcast this, too. The talented cast delivers some great performances. I really liked Janet McTeer and Stephen Rea as MI6 operatives. Fans of spy novels will love this. GRADE: A

12 thoughts on “THE HONOURABLE WOMAN, FINALE [Sundance TV]

  1. Jeff Meyerson

    My friend Bob in England was very impressed with Gyllenhaal’s accent. He felt she didn’t slip once.

    As for the plot it was often impenetrable, as in many of the best spy novels. I felt Nessa brought a lot of the trouble on herself and was extremely naive at times. Had she acted differently she might have avoided some of what happened.

    Good show.

  2. Patti Abbott

    Phil, who may doze off now and then also found it extremely difficult to follow. You had to bear down every minute. Nessa was definitely a flawed character but that’s what makes fiction great for me. Likewise in Happy Vally, the main female police officer, is flawed to the max.

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    Jackie wants to know why she slept in that little room. If it was a “safe room” then why was she sneaking off alone in the middle of the night and ditching her security?

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, New Mexico is a lot nicer now that Southwest finally delivered our lost luggage. We plan to do some sight-seeing with Patrick today and finish up at dinner at a swanky restaurant.

  4. Jeff Meyerson

    Cool. We haven’t had any trouble with Southwest and luggage to date (knock on wood) but American is another story. Glad it arrived at last.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, we’ve had good luck with Southwest but this time they really fumbled the ball. How do could they lose BOTH Diane’s and my luggage? I thought everything was computerized.


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