The Killing Joke, a new animated feature, shows how the Joker became the Joker. I’m always interested in origin stories so seeing a failed stand-up comic transform into the Crown Prince of Crime fascinated me. Also of interest to some of you, The Killing Joke is rated “R” because of language and–believe it or not–sex. In addition to the animated film, this Blu-ray contains Special Features: The Many Faces of the Joker featurette, Madness Set to Music featurette, from the DC comics Vault–2 Bonus Cartoons, and a sneak peek at the next DC animated movie. If you’re a fan of Batman and the Joker, you’ll enjoy this new episode in their battle. GRADE: A

16 thoughts on “THE KILLING JOKE [Blu-ray]

  1. Sergio (Tipping My Fedora)

    This is based not the graphic novel of the same name, right? I think I did glance through it at some point. The R rating seems really a strange decision – really curious now, thanks George, it’s an area I am pretty ignorant of, so happy to dive right in on your A score 🙂

    1. george Post author

      Sergio, THE KILLING JOKE is in the “Dark Knight” DC Universe. Not a movie you’d want to show your nieces! But it does reveal the Joker’s origins. Mark Hamill (of STAR WARS fame) is the voice of the Joker!

  2. Cap'n Bob

    Is this the same explanation of how the Joker became a criminal that was found in the comic book? I hate when they “reimagine” things!

    1. george Post author

      Bob, the origin story isn’t so much “re-imagined” as given much more depth and detail. You would enjoy THE KILLING JOKE.

  3. Richard R.

    In the comics, this storyline is famed for what happens to Barbara Gordon, not Joker’s origin, though that was mentioned in flashback. I don’t know what you mean by “THE KILLING JOKE is in the “Dark Knight” DC Universe”. As opposed to? It’s a part of the regular Batman story line.

    1. george Post author

      Rick, a friend of mine is a Batman aficionado and he tells me there are several different incarnations of Batman in the Infinite Earths.

  4. Patti Abbott

    I am pretty much off all superhero stuff. It’s been overdone with all of these minor characters getting shows and movies.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, there’s a hard-core audience for BATMAN. Buffalo is hosting NICKEL CITY COMIC-CON this weekend. Lots of dress-up in super-hero costumes and guest “stars.”

  5. Todd Mason

    Yes, unfortunately, it seems that all the Alan Moore scripts I’ve read for various comics feature some horrible assault on women as a sort of Thing for Them to Overcome. Seems like it’s dealt out a bit more casually than it should be. Reasonably intelligent (the Moore comics novel) but the final scenes didn’t work for me at all, given the central incident Richard mentions above. The animation might work better for me.


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