THE STEREO COLLECTION: 1954-1975 By Leopold Stokowski

Here’s another value CD set. I purchased this 14-CD set for a mere $25 on AMAZON. I’m a fan of Leopold Stokowski and this set collects plenty of his marvelous music. The sound is good. Many of these recordings have been unavailable for years. Now, this generous set fills the gap in Stokowski’s availability. If you enjoy classical music, this could be a wonderful addition to your collection. Plenty of great music to listen to here! GRADE: A
Beethoven Eroica and Coriolan Overture (London Symphony Orchestra, March 1974 and Stokowski’s only recording of the Overture, and quasi-only one of the Eroica: the other one is a live Philadelphia recording from 1963, once available on some obscure LP).

Brahms Academic Overture (New Philharmonia 21 June 74 only recording.)

Beethoven: Symphony No.3 ‘Eroica’/Brahms: [Import] (the individual CD sells for more expensive today than this RCA/Sony box). The two Beethoven but not the Brahms are also available on a previous reissue, selling cheap, Beethoven Symphony No. 3 (“Eroica”) Coriolan Overture

Shostakovich Symph. No. 6, Age of Gold-Suite op. 22a

Khachaturian Symph 3 (all Chicago SO, Febr 68, only rec.)

Stokowski Stereo Collection: Shostakovich: Symphony No. 6 / The Age of Gold, Ballet Suite / Khachaturian: Symphony No. 3 (Chicago/Stokowski, 1968)

CD 3
Menotti Sebastian-Suite

Prokofiev Romeo & Juliet (Stokowski’s own selection from the various suites)

(both NBC SO September & October 1954, and gorgeous stereo)

Prokofiev: Selections from Romeo and Juliet; Menotti Sebastian (Suite) – Stokowski see my review

CD 4
Wagner excerpts from Walküre, Tristan, Rheingold, Tannhäuser, Rienzi

Tannhäuser Overture & Bacchanale is with Symphony of the Air & Chorus from 28 December 1960

Rheingold’s Enty of the Gods with Martina Arroyo and Carlotta Ordassy, Walküre Ride of the Valkyries with Martina Arroyo, Shirley Verrett and various, and Tristan Prelude A. III are with Symphony of the Air, April 1961

Rienzi Overture & Walküre Magic Fire Music are with Royal Philharmonic October 1973

Stokowski Stereo Collection: Wagner Volume 1: Das Rheingold; Die Walkure; Tristan und Isolde; Tannhauser; Rienzi

CD 5
Wagner excerpts from Meisetersinger, Tristan, Gotterdämmerung

Wagner: Tristan Und Isolde, Die Meistersinger Von Nürnberg, Gotterdammerung (Stokowski Stereo Collection, Vol. 2)

Royal Philharmonic October 1973 & London SO November 1974 and Stokowski’s ultimate Wagner recordings – see my review

CD 6
Stokowski Stereo Collection: Inspiration / Handel: Water Music Suite. The Water Music Suite was recorded in April 1961 with the RCA Victor Symphony Orchestra, the rest is a collection of miscellanea, recorded in July 1961 with an orchestra dubbed “The New Symphony Orchestra of London”, which was I think the Royal Philharmonic, composers being the famous “Anonymous” (Deep River, the Old 104th), Bach, Beethoven, Gluck, Haendel, Humperdinck, Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky, Wagner, see entry for details.

CD 7
Canteloube: Songs of the Auvergne; Villa-Lobos: Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5; Rachmaninoff: Vocalise – Stokowski, Moffo

American Symphony Orchestra 10-14 April 1964

CD 8
Dvorak: New World Symphony, New Philharmonia Orchestra 2 & 4 July 1973 and Stokowski’s last recording of seven (including an abridged version recorded in 1919)

Smetana Moldau, Bartered Bride Overture, RCA SO, 18 February 1960

CD 9
Tchaikovsky: Symphony Pathétique: London Symphony Orchestra 5,7,10 September 1973

Enesco: Roumanian Rhapsody No. 1; Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2: RCA Symphony Orchestra 7 February 1960

CD 10
Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade: Royal Philharmonic Orchestra February-March 1975, Stokowski’s last recording of six

Russian Easter Overture: Chicago Symphony Orchestra 20,21 Feburary 1968

CD 11
Bach transcriptions (LSO April 1974)
Handel Royal Fireworks (RCA Victor SO 24 March 1961)

CD 12 & 13
Brahms Symphony No. 4
New Philharmonia Orchestra 17,20 June 1974 and Stokowski’s last of four recordings

Mahler Symphony No. 2
Margaret Price / Brigitte Fassbaender / London Symphony Chorus / London Symphony Orchestra July-August 1974

CD 14
Bach Toccata & Fugue BWV 565(LSO 27,29 July 1974, Stokowski’s last of 13 recordings!), Rehearsals Toccata & Fugue, Wagner Rienzi, Beethoven Pastorale (NBC Symphony Orchestra March 1954), Mahler Symph. 2 (LSO 19 july 1974).

12 thoughts on “THE STEREO COLLECTION: 1954-1975 By Leopold Stokowski

  1. Todd Mason

    From those mid/latter 50s years when STEREO was still new and a huge new selling point…the era where most of my parents’ lps came from when I was a kid in the 1970s…I’ve listened to Stokowski’s work from time to time, but not enough to form a clear opinion of how it stands apart from his peers’…this does seen a rather painless way to find out, even with a disc…I won’t write “wasted”…devoted to Wagner excerpts…when if you most Wagner, you might as well take the full dose…let’s see, THE RING used to take How many lps?

    You’re aware that the midweek of September on PBS will be devoted to GREAT PERFORMANCES AT THE MET doing Wagner?

    1. george Post author

      Yes, I’m on top of the GREAT PERFORMANCES AT THE MET’s Wagner, Todd. Stokowski was a bit of an ego-maniac and some of his music is uneven, but there are enough gems in this box set to recommend it wholeheartedly. Of course, some people love “mono.” I actually bought Bob Dylan’s semi-recently released mono recordings on CD. But I passed on the giant box set of the Beatles in mono.

  2. Patti Abbott

    Haven’t thought of him in years. Those mid-century greats I mostly heard on Karl Haas’ daily radio show in the seventies. That was a wonderful thirty minutes every day.

    1. george Post author

      Diane and I listened to Karl Haas’ every day, too, Patti. It was a great way to learn about classical music. I wish that series would come out on CD. I would certainly buy it!

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    My favorite Stokowski story is unrelated to the music. Jackie’s (late) mother was one of the world’s great malaprops (malapropers?). If there was a name she could mess up she would.

    As you may or may not know Stokowski was the second husband of Gloria Vanderbilt. They were married in 1945 when she was 21 and he was 63. Anyway, one day in reference to Ms. Vanderbilt, Jackie’s mother said, “She used to be married to Tchaikovsky.”

    Needless to say, much merriment ensued.

    1. george Post author

      I laughed out loud reading your story, Jeff! Stokowski was 63 (my current age) and Gloria Vanderbilt was 21? That marriage couldn’t have lasted too long…

  4. Deb

    They were married for 10 years and had two sons who are, therefore, Anderson Cooper’s half-brothers. She was also married to Sidney Lumet at one time. She’s had a very interesting life, but also a tragic one–one of her sons committed suicide by jumping from their high-rise balcony.

    1. george Post author

      Wow, Deb! Ten years and two sons! I’m surprised. I knew Gloria Vanderbilt lived a whirl-wind life. But I didn’t know it held such tragedy.

  5. Richard R.

    This is good stuff (that’s an intricate, critical assessment). I have a Stanislav Richter 14 CD set that does the same kind of thing with his performances. Very enjoyable. I had a few of these Stokowski performances on some ancient reprint vinyl that I got rid of decades ago when I converted to digital. The sound wasn’t very good compared to even the weakest quality we get now.


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