Steve, we had Spring-like weather a week ago (temps near 60 degrees), but this storm from the East shut down schools and just about everything else for a couple of days.
Deb, our next door neighbor tried to drive through the two feet of snow at the end of her driveway…and got stuck in her new Nissan Altima. I fired up Big Orange and we rescued her. Yep, Big Orange made quick work of the snow. Worth every penny!
Jerry, you won’t see snow like this down in Florida. Getting nearly two feet of snow in a 24-hour period is impressive! I used Big Orange to clear all my neighbors’s sidewalks, too.
Congratulations, George, for making a good decision!
Here in Europe these machines are only used by professionals to clean up roads and sidewalks – we regular people still use shovels and brooms – but I haven’t seen that much snow in years.
Just to think that we were in NYC and Niagara Falls during March some time ago – wouldn’t have been a pleasant journey in this kind of weather, but we had sunshine and more than 40 Fahrenheit.
It looks to me as if the sun was shining while you were at work, correct?
Wolf, brooms and shovels are nearly useless in dealing with 18 inches of snow. In fact, people who try to shovel this kind of snow sometimes collapse which is why we call this “Heart Attack Snow.” A powerful snowblower can handle this amount of snow. Yes, the sun finally showed itself while I was snowblowing. It looked more like Midnight around here while the snow kept falling for 24 hours straight.
Jeff Meyerson
Big Orange rules!
Gotta be careful out there. There was a guy in Queens who was attacked and stabbed by a neighbor who objected to the noise of his snowblower.
Jeff, my neighbors love to hear Big Orange roar because I do their sidewalks for them. And, occasionally, we rescue damsels in distress who get stuck in the deep snow.
Bill, Big Orange really is a badass snowblower. The 18 inches of snow (over two feet in the apron when the snowplow came down!) didn’t cause Big Orange to break a sweat!
Jackie wants to know what the rest of the block would do if you were sick or otherwise unavailable to plow for them. Does anyone else have a snow blower?
Jeff, some of my neighbors have plowing services. But they don’t do sidewalks, only driveways. Other neighbors have wimpy snowthrowers that can’t handle 18 inches of snow. Big Orange has an intake that’s able to handle 24 inches of snow. And, a powerful enough engine to throw the snow far, far away!
Wow, way to go George and BIG ORANGE! That’s a lot of snow!
We’re happy today because it’s only the second day since February 1 without rain in the forecast, and we expect to see sunshine. Not that it will be warm – mid 40s – but we’ll bundle up and get outside anyway. Plus, the daffodils are blooming.
The weather folks predicted 6 inches for us. I think it was about 12 but K. was able to keep up with it without too much trouble. The Racine/Kenosha area REALLY got hit.
Beth, Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you, too! When snow goes over 14 inches, it’s a lot harder to deal with. A local community, Lockport, got hit with 27 inches! That’s a lot of snow in 24 hours!
It’s cold here but no snow in Detroit area. I doubt we have got 18 inches all year.
Steve, we had Spring-like weather a week ago (temps near 60 degrees), but this storm from the East shut down schools and just about everything else for a couple of days.
But I bet my G.F. certainly Did !!
Much more compelling than all the Network Coverage of snow in the big-cities that never came.
Dan, the big snow missed New York City and Philly and just clipped Boston. But Western NY got socked!
So the new snowblower was a worthwhile investment?
Deb, our next door neighbor tried to drive through the two feet of snow at the end of her driveway…and got stuck in her new Nissan Altima. I fired up Big Orange and we rescued her. Yep, Big Orange made quick work of the snow. Worth every penny!
Go, Big Orange!
Jerry, you won’t see snow like this down in Florida. Getting nearly two feet of snow in a 24-hour period is impressive! I used Big Orange to clear all my neighbors’s sidewalks, too.
And I thought “Big Orange” was Trump’s new nick …
Congratulations, George, for making a good decision!
Here in Europe these machines are only used by professionals to clean up roads and sidewalks – we regular people still use shovels and brooms – but I haven’t seen that much snow in years.
Just to think that we were in NYC and Niagara Falls during March some time ago – wouldn’t have been a pleasant journey in this kind of weather, but we had sunshine and more than 40 Fahrenheit.
It looks to me as if the sun was shining while you were at work, correct?
Wolf, brooms and shovels are nearly useless in dealing with 18 inches of snow. In fact, people who try to shovel this kind of snow sometimes collapse which is why we call this “Heart Attack Snow.” A powerful snowblower can handle this amount of snow. Yes, the sun finally showed itself while I was snowblowing. It looked more like Midnight around here while the snow kept falling for 24 hours straight.
Big Orange rules!
Gotta be careful out there. There was a guy in Queens who was attacked and stabbed by a neighbor who objected to the noise of his snowblower.
Jeff, my neighbors love to hear Big Orange roar because I do their sidewalks for them. And, occasionally, we rescue damsels in distress who get stuck in the deep snow.
Soon to be a Major Motion Picture! Disney should make this. The Rock could play you.
Jeff, but who would play Big Orange. Vin Dissel?
Big Orange leads the way!
Bill, Big Orange really is a badass snowblower. The 18 inches of snow (over two feet in the apron when the snowplow came down!) didn’t cause Big Orange to break a sweat!
Jackie wants to know what the rest of the block would do if you were sick or otherwise unavailable to plow for them. Does anyone else have a snow blower?
She worries about things like that.
Jeff, some of my neighbors have plowing services. But they don’t do sidewalks, only driveways. Other neighbors have wimpy snowthrowers that can’t handle 18 inches of snow. Big Orange has an intake that’s able to handle 24 inches of snow. And, a powerful enough engine to throw the snow far, far away!
“a powerful enough engine to throw the snow far, far away!”
I bet the people across the border in Canada are really pissed at you and Big Orange!
Jerry, I try to angle the snow towards Lake Erie and not Canada. But, some of it does end up there…
Wow, way to go George and BIG ORANGE! That’s a lot of snow!
We’re happy today because it’s only the second day since February 1 without rain in the forecast, and we expect to see sunshine. Not that it will be warm – mid 40s – but we’ll bundle up and get outside anyway. Plus, the daffodils are blooming.
Rick, the only good thing about this snow and cold is that it’s delaying my annual Spring allergy attack.
Well, maybe Steve has no snow in the Detroit area, but we got 5 inches or so. And it is cold!
Patti, it will take a week or so of above 32 degree temps to get rid of all the snow piles around here.
The weather folks predicted 6 inches for us. I think it was about 12 but K. was able to keep up with it without too much trouble. The Racine/Kenosha area REALLY got hit.
Beth, Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you, too! When snow goes over 14 inches, it’s a lot harder to deal with. A local community, Lockport, got hit with 27 inches! That’s a lot of snow in 24 hours!
Look at this house – it’s shown all over the world:
Here even George’s snowblower couldn’t help.
Wolf, ice is beautiful…but dangerous!