ANTICANCER: A NEW WAY OF LIFE By David Servan-Schreiber

Andy Jaysnovitch recommend Anticancer and I want to thank him for alerting me to this new, 2010 edition of this book. Dr. David Servan-Schreiber is a survivor of brain cancer. After he was diagnosed, Dr. Servan-Schreiber did massive research on his disease and possible treatments. He discovered that many cancers responded to life-style and diet changes. That’s what this book presents: a series of life-style and dietary steps that will make your body resistant to cancer. Dr. Servan-Schreiber suggests a diet high in Omega-3 oils, turmeric, herbs, consumption of broccoli three times a week, extra virgin olive oil, garlic/onions/leeks, berries, stone fruit (like plums), green tea daily, and increased Vitamin-D. Of course, exercise and good mental health including meditation is recommended. And a glass of red wine each day. If you only read one book about cancer this year, it should be Anticancer. Highly recommended! For more information, you can go to the Anticancer web site here. GRADE: A

8 thoughts on “ANTICANCER: A NEW WAY OF LIFE By David Servan-Schreiber

    1. george Post author

      Yes, you’re right, Paul. The diet and exercises for anticancer will also protect against heart disease. This approach makes sense to me so I’m implementing the necessary changes.

  1. Drongo

    Olive oil, omega-3 oils, berries, fruits, vegetables, herbs, exercise–sounds like the Mediterranean Diet.

    If given the chance, I could live on sun-dried tomatoes floating in a jar of olive oil, washing it down with a bottle of decent wine.

  2. Todd Mason

    I should go look at his research…it does sound a whole lot like a basically healthy diet, which migh lead to a body being able to stave off cancer better, or perhaps not be exposed to as many carcinogens…but not a deterrent to cancer in and of itself. Heart disease being (usually) a less complex thing, this would definitely seem to be a heart-healthy approach…which isn’t to be sneezed at.

    Just not too many chocolate oatmeal cookies at one time, now, George, from your fellow diabetic with a sweet tooth the size of his fist. My one meal today (foolishness in and of itself) was a peanut noodle soup and black bean Grillers (vegetarian hamburrger-like patties, and among the best available) and a broccoli-heavy frozen vegetable medley…with V-8 and Coke Zero. The lazy epicure. Though now visiting a friend, I did help myself to a sliver of rather good chocolate cake. I think I shall retire before sugarlust leads me to sin again.

    1. george Post author

      I try to eat four or five small meals a day, Todd. That seems to keep my insulin levels fairly level. Green tea is good. And now the season for peaches is starting. Can’t wait! I only eat a couple chocolate oatmeal cookies on Special Occasions.


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