BLOOD RITES By Jim Butcher

The last new Harry Dresden novel was published in 2015. Jim Butcher announced that not one, but TWO new Harry Dresden novels would be published this Summer. So, of course, I had to get caught up on this Urban Fantasy series. Blood Rites is the 6th book in the series and first appeared in 2004.

Harry Dresden is hired to protect a movie director whose life is being threatened. Two of the director’s staff have already been killed in suspicious “accidents.” Dresden senses danger and Magic on the movie set, but his life is complicated by a group of vampires.

Dresden recruits his Chicago Police friend, Karrin Murphy, and the mysterious hitman, Kincaid, to help him eliminate the vampire threat. This leads to a violent confrontation. But this battle is only a prelude to a much more involved conflagration at the end of the book that portends a new path in the story arc. GRADE: B+

12 thoughts on “BLOOD RITES By Jim Butcher

  1. Jeff Meyerson

    I checked and I have two unread Butchers on the shelf to get back to. I liked the short stories about the Bigfoot family. I know Bill Crider would have loved them.

  2. Patti Abbott

    I put a tentative foot in the world of fantasy by reading Kevin Wilson’s NOTHING TO SEE Here where a pair of twins burst into flames every so often. But vampires has always been too big a stretch if it’s the main plot point. Sure I am missing something but can’t seem to buy into it.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, you have to check realism at the door when you’re reading Fantasy. I like Jim Butcher’s Harry Dresden series because there are mysteries to be solved, plenty of action, and the Magic is consistent (and has Rules).

  3. Steve Oerkfitz

    Not much of a fan of urban fantasy. Read one Harry Dresden book and was not very impressed although it was a lot better than Kelley Armstrong, Patricia Briggs, Charlene Harris, and Kim Harrison who seem to have one foot in the romance genre. My exception would be Neil Gaiman. Must admit I’m burned out on vampires, elves, fairies and the like. Clive Barker did the detective/ fantasy thing much better with Harry D’Amour.

    1. george Post author

      Steve, I have some of Clive Barker’s Harry D’Amour stories around here somewhere. Neil Gaiman is first rate in whatever he writes. Like you, I’m not a fan of Armstrong, Briggs, Harris, and Harrison. Too much romance for my tastes.

      1. Jeff Meyerson

        That’s exactly why Jackie likes Patricia Briggs. I’ve read and enjoyed some of Charlaine Harris’s books, but not the fantasy stuff so much.

  4. Michael Padgett

    To me vampires are the most interesting of the mythic horror figures, but all the vampire novels I liked are old–“Dracula”, “Carmilla”, “Salem’s Lot”, and “Interview with the Vampire” (but not the endless sequels) come immediately to mind, and I’m sure I could think of a few, but not many, others. And there’s my favorite shorter work, Robert Aickman’s “Pages From a Young Girl’s Journal”. But this urban fantasy stuff just doesn’t appeal to me at all.

  5. Steve Lewis

    I’ve not read any of the books, but I did start watching the first of TV series when it was on. After 10 minutes I had no clue who any of the people on the screen were, oher than Harry, so I turned it off. Maybe I should have read the books first!

    1. george Post author

      Steve, the TV series of Harry Dresden was done on the cheap. A lot of corners–and characters–were cut. The books are much better.


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