For all of 2019, I’ve been on a waiting list at my local Rite-Aid pharmacy for the new Shingles shot. Diane and I got the old shingles shot years ago. But the commercials for this new Shingles shot on TV have been horrific enough to motivate us to sign up. Plus, one of Diane’s friends just called to say she’s stricken with Shingles for the THIRD TIME!

A guy at the pool where I frolic every day told me he had Shingles a couple months ago. Shingles spread to his face and his doctor was concerned that he might lose sight in his right eye. The pool guy also reported Shingles hurts like hell. Neither Diane or I have had Shingles, but we’ve heard nothing but Bad News about every case our friends and relatives reported to us.

Finally, when I was picking up some prescriptions at Rite-Aid over the weekend, the clerk said, “Dr. Kelley, the Shingles vaccine arrived this week. Would you like your shot today?” I, of course, answered an enthusiastic, “Yes!” Diane managed to get her first Shingles shot a few weeks ago at a Walgreens. This new Shingles shot is a 2-step process. We’ll have to get the second shot in two to six months. Have you gotten this new Shingles shot? Are you planning to get one? Have you suffered with Shingles?

19 thoughts on “NEW SHINGLES SHOT

  1. Steve Oerkfitz

    I have seen the commercials but have not ever known anyone who has had shingles. I was going to get one but it wasn’t free like my flu and pneumonia shots so I passed. Just didn’t want to spend $85.

  2. Deb

    Steve—check again. My insurance covers the shot if you’re over 60. Now, if you’re a young whipper-snapper of 59… you’ll have to pay.

    I got my shots a few months back. I had wanted the shot as soon as I turned 60, but my doctor urged me to wait because the new vaccine was only a few months out and it was shown to be so much more effective. So I waited, and eventually got the shots sometime toward the end of 2018. As you say, it’s a two-shot process (about two months apart). After the first shot, my arm hurt like hell and the injection site was swollen for a couple of days (apparently, a normal side effect). The second shot was administered by a different pharmacist, and she injected the vaccine at a far slower rate. She said that should reduce pain and swelling. She was right—I had very little discomfort with the second shot.

    I’ve never had shingles, but I have had chicken pox, the precursor. My dad had shingles once—he says it was like someone had poured boiling hot grease down his back. No thanks!

    1. george Post author

      Deb, with Independent Health, I would have to pay a co-pay if I got the Shingles shot at my doctor’s office. But, if I got the Shingles shot at a Rite-Aid, Walgreens, or CVS the co-pay would be waved. So I got on the Rite-Aid list…and I finally got my first shot. I’m hoping the vaccine is more available when I need to get my second shot a couple months from now.

      Friends who have suffered from Shingles complained of a burning pain that lasted for weeks!

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    Yes! Several years ago, Jackie got the original shot from our doctor, but he didn’t have any more, so I got mine at Walgreen’s (with a co-pay). As soon as we heard about this one, Jackie was like Diane – she wanted it, now! We got ours at Costco, the first in September, the second two months later. Jackie had them put us on the list for when the second one came in, and they called. The guy doing the shots has a very light touch. I had a little mild discomfort with the first shot, none with the second, much better than the ham-fisted woman who did our pneumonia shots there last year, which hurt.

    My mother had shingles, twice, and suffered quite a bit. Do NOT want to ever go there.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, Diane’s Shingles shot caused her some pain in her arm the next day. Then, the injection site itched like crazy for a couple of days. My arm hurt for a day, but I took some Motrin and that fixed that problem. No itchiness for me.

  4. Michael Padgett

    My mother had it when I was a kid, but it wasn’t a severe case and it only made the one appearance. I’ve never known anyone else who had it. I got the old shot several years ago and had planned to get the new one, but haven’t yet managed to find it available. My brother-in-law lucked into it right after it came out, and said it wasn’t at all painful.

    1. george Post author

      Rick, I’m mystified why GlaxoSmithKline runs all these horrific commercials to drive up demand for their Shingles shot…and then fails to have an adequate supply.

  5. Patti Abbott

    The trick was in getting the second one in time. But I did. My arm was a bit sore but nothing major.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, the pharmacist who gave me the first injection of the new Shingles shot told me I have a “two-to-four” month window to get the second shot. I’ll start checking with the local pharmacies in July to get the second one.

  6. BV Lawson

    Everyone – absolutely get that shingles vaccine ASAP! My mother didn’t want to get it because she didn’t know anyone who’d ever gotten shingles (turns out her own sister had it once). Well … Mom got shingles. Badly. And then developed post-herpetic neuralgia, which happens in about about 10% of patients overall, but at higher rates in patients over 60, with rates ranging from 15-40%. PHN means you have pain that lasts for life – there are no cures. Plus, it can lead to a host of other health problems, which happened in Mom’s case (and she eventually died from complications two years later). Insurance will cover it in many cases, so go get the shot now!

    1. george Post author

      BV, thanks for the warning! I hadn’t heard of post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN), but it sounds terrible. Sorry in affected your mother so adversely. My pharmacist told me the new Shingles shot is way more effective than the old Shingles shot. I’m very annoyed at the lack of availability of the vaccine. Waiting months to get the shot was nerve-wracking!

  7. wolf

    Strangely enough I don’t know anyone who had shingles (Gürtelrose i e belt redness in German) but I’ll ask my doc whether he recommends the new shot(s).
    And I’m not sure if I had chickenpox ( the precursor) as a child – directly after WW2 the health situation everywhere wasn’t so good.

  8. Cap'n Bob

    Yes, I had it and, yes, it hurts like hell! A shot? God forbid the local clinic has any serum. I’ve been waiting for many months! What kind of two-bit manufacturer can’t supply something that’s in such high demand?! Matter of fact, I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow and I plan to bitch if they don’t have any shingles medication!!!

    1. george Post author

      Bob, I’m with you all the way! Why is GLAXOSMITHKLINE running these scary commercials about the dangers of Shingles and then not having enough vaccine to service those who want it? Mystifying!


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