our kind of traitor movie
In the aftermath of the disasterous BREXIT vote, a movie like Our Kind of Traitor (based on the John Le Carre novel of the same name) gathers more impact. Ewan McGregor (a college professor) and his beautiful wife (Naomie Harris), on a holiday in Marrakesh, meet a boisterous Russian (Stellan Skarsgard) named Dema. Dema takes Ewan’s character aside and tells him he’s the chief money launderer for the Russian Mafia. But, he wants to leave. Dema gives Ewan a memory stick filled with secret financial information. Ewan gives the memory stick to MI6 when he arrives in London. But, the story doesn’t end there. Dema won’t give the really juicy financial information up until MI6 provides sanctuary for his family. Ewan and Harris find themselves involved in the negotiations and the movie’s action scenes. I really liked Damian Lewis as the MI6 operative who wants to damage the Russian Mafia and keep their dirty bank out of England. I also liked Jeremy Northam as the traitor who is willing to sell his country’s financial system to the Russians. But the star of Our Kind of Traitor is Stellan Skarsgard, Skarsgard’s energy powers this impressive film.

Before the BREXIT vote, John Le Carre and a number of British writers signed a petition predicting that a post-BREXIT Britain, separated from the European Union, would be reduced to “an outsider shouting from the wings” on the world stage. Our Kind of Traitor shows why Le Carre feels that way. GRADE: A

12 thoughts on “OUR KIND OF TRAITOR

  1. Jeff Meyerson

    Interesting. We just watched Skarsgard as the title character in RIVER, a 6-part BBC series on Netflix that is definitely worth your time in checking it out. He’s a police Inspector who sees and talks to his murdered partner and other dead people. It’s a gimmick but Skarsgard makes it work.

  2. Patti Abbott

    It didn’t work so well for me. I could never muster up much sympathy for the Dema. And the part of the movie involving his daughter’s relationship with a guy on the other team was sprung on us too late. Also I have a problem with MacGregor in any role. He is always the same dull character. And lastly, it was too much like the Night Manager in that a diffident guy gets swept up by a more charismatic one . I did like Lewis very much however. And I liked that their marriage was saved due to helping another family. And the ending was good although Phil saw it coming.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, I agree with you that OUR KIND OF TRAITOR follows THE NIGHT MANAGER template. I thought the cast was outstanding. You’re right about the marriage being saved by helping another family. Good point!

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    Patti, I know what you mean about Ewan McGregor. I would never say he’s bad but he doesn’t generally stand out for me either. He’s always pretty much OK – The Ghost Writer, The Island, whatever. I see he is playing a dual role in the next series of FARGO.

  4. maggie

    this will be a net flix one for me. I had seen a rather more negative review someplace else, can’t remember where.

    I don’t recall our paper reviewing it. the reviewer actually gave the election purge 3 1/2 stars as well as mike and dave need wedding dates. But he gave finding dory a 2 or 2 1/2. just the promos for mike and dave make me want to avoid it completely

    1. george Post author

      Steve, you’re right. I liked McGregor in STAR WARS EPISODES 1-3 (I know I’m in the minority here). McGregor reminds me a bit of Ben Affleck.


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